Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daily Money Manager Services

Daily Money Managers Can Relieve You of Day-to-Day Financial Chores
By Isabel Waters Lic.,Real Estate Property Consultant
If you don't have the time to devote to the daily financial duties required by your small business, or to your personal finances, you might want to consider the services of a daily money manager.
Daily money management is a relatively young spectrum of the financial services industry, and encompasses day-to-day financial duties such as managing payables and payroll, depositing checks, reconciliation of bank and other accounts statements, and ensuring that your ledger is balanced.  Unlike accountants, who tend to serve as financial planners and guides, daily money managers do the day-to-day financial legwork that not only keep your business running but also simplifies the tedious year end reports to your CPA.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What is Your Best Option? PART III

Fee or Commission?
Find Here a few examples:

Hourly Rate ~ Scheduled Services with a Limited number of hours 

Thursday, October 27, 2011



You Can Save Money Without Being Discounted!... In real estate, quality representation is essential for keeping the most money in your pocket when you close. Is that mean that you’re locked into paying a commission in order to get that quality? The answer is NO.
My advise to potential clients is to explore and weight different options, based on their individual needs and comfort level. Many consumers find the traditional commission is their best choice. Hopefully, they make that choice because it’s the best option, not because it’s the only option. Find out which one may be better for you!..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We are all aware of the forceful changes taking place in the real estate industry…And keep waiting in hope that sooner or later it will stabilize, and everything will return to the way it was!.. playing in either the Sellers’ or the Buyers’ market, decade after decade things were somehow predictable. In Today’s Real Estate Landscape, Consumerism has yet to adapt to the new mechanism in the transaction process, still in the Traditional Sales Approach… A word to the wise!.. At this time of change, considering other Alternatives, Creative Mindsets and Models, Fulfilling and Profitable, is another way to bring back the sparkle of buying and selling real estate. The good news is that it is already Available to Property Owners, Purchasers, Investors, Renters….

What is it?.. And…How It Differs From the Traditional Real Estate Agency?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Have a Cool Summer!

I am a believer in green living and read everything and anything that will make
my life more comfortable and enjoyable. I am constantly looking for things that make a difference. Though these days, there is nothing absolutely FREE, we can improve our lifestyles and have fun at the same time, while making changes that make a big difference with the environment. 

From taking shorter showers to upgrading our appliances, there are ways each day we can help Mother Earth enjoy the Summer as much as we do! Supporting your local growers by getting produce from your area's farmers'market. Also look for "grown local" fruits and vegetables at your grocers'. It may not seem a big deal but supports local commerce and reduces fuel needed for produce transport.

Our food - Grow it yourself!..growing a simple vegetable and fruit garden is easier than most think. Most of the work goes into prepping. Periodic weeding and harvesting are simple manual tasks that deliver real fruits of your "labor." Save money on your electric bill and contribute to a "new" way of living that is spreading across the country. Consider your garden as organic and natural as possible. There is a variety of natural products that will keep bugs away.

Natural bug repellants are available for humans, too! Geraniums secrete a scent that drives mosquitos away. Mix a few drops of essential oils  (citronella, orange, and rose geranium) into a spray bottle of water. Use this to spray down your legs and arms before any trip outside or to the garden. Not only will you smell good, you'll be a "no bug zone."

Are you looking for ways to save on energy and fuel costs? Start with your travel habits, cars, even the most energy efficient models, consume mass amounts of gasoline, which has been refined from oil. The amount of energy and pollution that is involved in refining these products is astounding! Be organized and plan trips to the store. Carpooling or using public transit! Your city may have HOV lanes, or high occupancy vehicle lanes. This means if there is more than one person in your car, you get a free pass around the rush hour traffic! If you have a walkable city, use your legs to walk or bike.

Inside your home, you can save energy by upgrading your appliances.  Newer Energy Star appliances use a fraction of the energy than their older counter parts did.  You'll be surprised how much your electric bill drops in the first month! Setting your thermostat to 70-80F can reduce your bill even more. Consider fans more decorative, so far as I am concerned they consume too much electricity.

Keep your home and yard cool for years to come by planting shade trees. Trees give our environment so much. They deliver loads of oxygen, all while consuming our nasty carbon dioxide.  And of course, they give us shade keeping home temperatures lower and to enjoy those evening cooling beverages.
Little habits add up to big change. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Every day is a new day. Pick one thing to change today.
Pick another next week and start a new habit. You'll be surprised
of the results at the end of Summer.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Decluttering~Home & Office

Decluteering While in Spring Bloom Abundance!...
More day light, more time to re-organize our home, office, garage, even storage bins. Technology is not always the answer to saving space. In fact, if you look at computers and its paraphernalia, they take a lot of office space, even in small households. Here are some tips on physical space clearing and space saving.

1.A laptop ~ is more energy efficient, it uses about 10% energy of a desktop computer and it takes a lot less space, in fact, it doesn't even use any space if you keep it in your lap. But if you must have or need a desktop computer, consider an Energy Star-rated slim flat-screen LCD monitor, which will take up less space and use less electricity than other comparable monitors.
2. CD's ~ did you know that around the world, 1 billion discs are discarded every year? an e-waste problem. I, for one, rarely re-use any of the umpteen software CD's that I've accumulated over the years, not even counting the ones I donate to charity once a year. Why not download software instead? and upload the 'must keep' electronically, to clear up space. 
3. Voice Mail ~ these free services automatically added to any phone lines in the U.S have made answering machines obsolete. According to the authors of the Green Book, if all answering machines currently used in U.S. homes were replaced by voice mail, the annual energy savings would be nearly 2 billion kilowatt-hours, equivalent to taking 250,000 cars off the road. They claim, it's simply more efficient for a centralized facility to process all that data, than to have each individual use his or her own desktop answering machine. No point on keeping One more gadget cluttering a desk.
4. Recycling Old Electronics ~ A decade or two into the information revolution, the typical household has generated a small mountain of E-waste like old televisions, VCRs, DVD players, video games, cell phones (and, uh ... answering machines). Chances are there's a drawer (or two, or three) in your home office that hold a mess of cell phones, wires and chargers. Clean it out! Electronics can be recycled, either by the manufacturer, the retailer  or by community drop-off programs. Cell phone recycling is even easier: You can donate your old cell phone to charity or, if it hasn't been sitting around too long, even sell it.
5. Go Paperless ~ Except valuable documents or tax records need to be saved for a number of years, all other paper, junk mail, catalogs, old phone directories, obsolete information will only clutter desks, drawers, cabinets even dining tables. Receiving bills by email takes a little getting used to and it is best to do it gradually.  The environmental impact it has to go paperless, saving paper means not only saving trees, but 171 pounds of greenhouse gases, 63 gallons of water, and 4.5 gallons of gasoline annually for the average paperless household, according to Pay It Green, a coalition of financial institutions and businesses promoting paperless billing.
6. And last, but not least ~ Stop Receiving Junk Mail ~ The average American household receives an estimated 850 pieces of junk mail every year —enough, as we all know, to cover our kitchen tables several times over.
It's no coincidence that paper makes up one-quarter of all landfill waste, or that the junk mail industry's environmental footprint is large, equivalent to the tailpipe pollution from 9 million cars. You can reclaim the calm of an uncluttered tabletop with a few keystrokes. Just register for the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association Website. For $1, your name and address will be removed from prospective mailing lists, ending 75% of junk mail within about 90 days.
Daily Green offers very thorough and excellent advise on the subject.

By clearing physical space in home/yard and office will have a very positive effect mentally, in fact, it is a powerful way of letting go of possessions, emotions and thoughts that can keep you stuck. You will feel refreshed, light and ready to start anew!

CLICK HERE for more valuable decluttering 'pearls of wisdom', get started!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Green Home Improvements

Tax Credit for 2010 on Green Home Improvements ~
As April 18th approaches, filing tax year 2010 is the last chance for homeowners to claim a very generous tax credit to help pay for energy-efficient improvements done to their residences in 2010. A credit of up to $1,500., you  might be able to take if you added insulation or installed energy-efficient exterior windows or energy-saving heating and air conditioning systems. Claim any qualifying energy improvements made last year by filing form 5695. Some of these tax breaks can save some filers a nice chunk of tax money. With others, the savings might be relatively small. But when it comes to taxes, every bit of savings helps. So make sure you don't overlook any of these possible tax breaks as you finish up your 2010 return. For more information on green home improvements GO HERE

Friday, March 18, 2011

Green DIY Energy

Valuable guide for building your own solar energy ..for less than $200.
I was shocked to see how much it cost to have solar panels installed at my house! The estimate I received was over $35,000 and the payback time for that was just way too long. I certainly didn’t have that kind of money, not even close.

Then, a friend told me about the Green DIY Energy guide, and how he had learned the process of constructing 60- to 120- watt Solar Panels for under $200. In fact, You Could Actually Build One For Less Than $27 if you took the time to rebuild and connect “broken solar cells” together (which isn’t that hard to do). See this short video: 

Don't miss this 3 part energy guide, with its easy to understand instructions on how to build solar panel systems, Also a FREE bonus on building your own wind turbine. After following the very clear instructions, I know it works, it saves a ton of money, it helps the environment, and reduces my energy bills by 50% or better.

I also found the process to be a lot of fun!..My friends and family were amazed at what I had created, since I'm not exactly what you call a handyman!...TRUE, if I can do it, anybody can!
GO HERE and receive your free information on Green DIY Energy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eco Homes

Awe-inspiring Eco Homes have been around for a while, long before anyone thought of the term ‘green construction’. Hand-made houses were created with sustainability, respect for the land, and the pride of creating something by oneself as high priorities. Such hand-made houses have been around since man saw first light of day. A new wave of creativity re-emerged in the late 50’s, but as housing became standardized, built in large amounts and became readily available, American mainstream favored the newer lifestyles.   

They can be fairly inexpensive, as this house built by a man and his father, a hand-made woodland home built with a handful of common tools like a chainsaw, hammer and chisel, his cost approx.US$4500.  A friend of mine built his beautiful 4 bedroom home, after leaving his daily job every evening, talking about using every bit of the remaining day-light hours every evening and weekends, he finished the project in less than a year. once all necessary inspections passed, he moved into his brand new home, his cost US$53,000.  3 years later sold it for $305,000.  My young step-daughter bought a waterfront handyman special in the low $100K’s, she hired an architect-builder, enjoyed her home for a while, and later she sold her newly built two story home for $1.25M.

Now as we grow into the 21st century, and become more environmentally aware, more people are using their imagination to re-create their dream homes! ...and some of them can be pretty wild!. Green homes are becoming more popular these days, regardless of the size and specifications, there are many ways to put your plans into action.

This green home designer and builder will show you all you need to know about green building, he has excellent ideas for the do-it yourself-ers, to see his videos and pictures with easy to understand detailed instructions  CLICK HERE.  

If you prefer to build your own home by hiring a contractor, this very informative report is from a professional with 30 years experience and credentials to give invaluable insider tips and shortcuts, also he knows how to save 30-40% of the cost of buying a home from a builder… to get the report GO HERE

Only 3 things are needed to get started, desire, a good construction plan and determination. The end result is higher real estate value and a unique and environmentally friendly home.

I Welcome Your Comments, Home Pictures and ideas you may want to share, and of course, any questions or critiques!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Nowadays, everyone I know is looking to save in electricity bills. The colossal catastrophe in Japan, will have serious repercussions here in the US and also worldwide. We can already see its consequences in Wall Street. We need to be creative if we are to keep our lifestyles.

Now is the time to take action utilizing abundant natural resources. Earth4Energy can save you 80% of home electricity by utilizing free energy. Few devices are needed to convert these resources into free power. You do not require investing for any other commercially made home power generator, when you have the option to actually build one yourself. You can save up to 80% of home electricity with those home-made power generators.

Earth4Energy is one such program that has shown people how to create a home made solar panel and wind turbine from junks or parts that are easily available at any local shop. The program contains simple step-by-step instructional guide that can be easily followed by anyone. The kit involves the procedure of finding all necessary parts and putting them together. All this can be done for less than $200 unlike those commercially made one that costs at least $1000.

A home-made power generator can be built in not less than 3 days. For those living under a strong sunlight can take the option of using a solar panel to collect the direct sunlight and convert the same into solar power. Those who live in areas that can feel the strong wind blowing all the time can make use of the wind turbine to generate wind power for their home. These power generators can help you save up to 80% of home electricity.

At times of financial crisis, a wind turbine and solar panel can help us save money on the electricity usage and also keep the environment pollutant free. When we have the option to produce free energy from natural resources then why pay the utility company for power usage.

Learn how to build a home-made power generator like the solar panel and wind turbine at a shoestring budget by following the guide that shows you how to do that with step-by-step detail. Do not entirely depend on the free information downloaded from the internet because if you make a single mistake the entire project can be ruined, or sometimes may put your life in danger. I advise you to follow the guides carefully as they are written by professional environmentalists, who guide you with safety.

By the way, a wind turbine or solar panel can generate 24 kilowatt of power that is enough to operate a laptop, television and a mobile phone charger. Free energy that will run for at least a few years.
Knowledge is Power ~ Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.

To Get this complete guide CLICK HERE

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Woodworking Plans

You don't have to be a carpenter or joiner to build beautiful, solid wood furniture!.. Now you can get Ted's Woodworking plans, it is the best that I have ever seen:  It has over 16,000 woodworking Plans and Projects, With Step-By-Step Easy To Follow Instructions. I am able to build Woodworking Projects Quickly & Easily, and without headaches using Ted's woodworking plans...
They are easy to understand with full-color pictures and database w/printable plans to build arbors, billiard tables, wood bedroom furniture, bookcases, chairs, computer desks, dog & cat houses, carports, wood sheds, patio wood furniture, wind generators, weather stations, wishing wells, even windmills, to name a few of his wood furniture plans. See Ted's CD’s and DVD’s bonus on how to start your own woodworking business. It comes with a 60 days 100% satisfaction guarantee.
To learn how you can download over 16,000 woodworking plans GO HERE

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Eco-Savvy Smart Homes

The joys of having a home that is environmentally friendly, with up-to-date home safety features has taken on a new meaning. You want to keep your family safe and your surroundings healthy for so many reasons. Eco homes and Eco friendly products are all around us and are here to stay.  The economics of being green at home is saving valuable resources and is good for all of us, but it will also bring more zing into your life when you realize that it’s good for your own pocketbook too. Transforming your house into a castle that contains the latest functional, aesthetic, and safety features will not only increase your real estate value exponentially, but will enjoy a home with a unique character you can enjoy for many years.

Join Eco-SavvySmart Homes discussion group CLICK HERE