Monday, June 27, 2011

Have a Cool Summer!

I am a believer in green living and read everything and anything that will make
my life more comfortable and enjoyable. I am constantly looking for things that make a difference. Though these days, there is nothing absolutely FREE, we can improve our lifestyles and have fun at the same time, while making changes that make a big difference with the environment. 

From taking shorter showers to upgrading our appliances, there are ways each day we can help Mother Earth enjoy the Summer as much as we do! Supporting your local growers by getting produce from your area's farmers'market. Also look for "grown local" fruits and vegetables at your grocers'. It may not seem a big deal but supports local commerce and reduces fuel needed for produce transport.

Our food - Grow it yourself!..growing a simple vegetable and fruit garden is easier than most think. Most of the work goes into prepping. Periodic weeding and harvesting are simple manual tasks that deliver real fruits of your "labor." Save money on your electric bill and contribute to a "new" way of living that is spreading across the country. Consider your garden as organic and natural as possible. There is a variety of natural products that will keep bugs away.

Natural bug repellants are available for humans, too! Geraniums secrete a scent that drives mosquitos away. Mix a few drops of essential oils  (citronella, orange, and rose geranium) into a spray bottle of water. Use this to spray down your legs and arms before any trip outside or to the garden. Not only will you smell good, you'll be a "no bug zone."

Are you looking for ways to save on energy and fuel costs? Start with your travel habits, cars, even the most energy efficient models, consume mass amounts of gasoline, which has been refined from oil. The amount of energy and pollution that is involved in refining these products is astounding! Be organized and plan trips to the store. Carpooling or using public transit! Your city may have HOV lanes, or high occupancy vehicle lanes. This means if there is more than one person in your car, you get a free pass around the rush hour traffic! If you have a walkable city, use your legs to walk or bike.

Inside your home, you can save energy by upgrading your appliances.  Newer Energy Star appliances use a fraction of the energy than their older counter parts did.  You'll be surprised how much your electric bill drops in the first month! Setting your thermostat to 70-80F can reduce your bill even more. Consider fans more decorative, so far as I am concerned they consume too much electricity.

Keep your home and yard cool for years to come by planting shade trees. Trees give our environment so much. They deliver loads of oxygen, all while consuming our nasty carbon dioxide.  And of course, they give us shade keeping home temperatures lower and to enjoy those evening cooling beverages.
Little habits add up to big change. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Every day is a new day. Pick one thing to change today.
Pick another next week and start a new habit. You'll be surprised
of the results at the end of Summer.

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